I feel like ideas cannot be indifferent, they have to arouse love or hate, or any other strong emotion.

– Tan Wan

Tell us about yourself and your work.

I am an Art Director who loves disruptive ideas and clean visuals.

What agency or designer inspires you?

Mojo Supermarket, DIA Studio

What is your ideal job at the end of school?

Art Director/ Creative Director

How do you deal with creative blocks?

Stay up and chase after those 3AM thoughts.

If you could interview any creative, who would it be?

James Turrell

How do you want people to remember your work?

The way I can marry an eccentric idea with pristine clean visuals. I feel like ideas cannot be indifferent, they have to arouse love or hate, or any other strong emotion.

If you had to rebrand a logo which one would it be and why?

eBay. eBay has the potential to be seen as a paradise for shoppers yet its logo deters younger audiences from approaching them as it might be viewed as outdated and stale.