Volunteer With AIGA Atlanta
There are opportunities to volunteer with AIGA Atlanta at many levels, from the Board of Directors, to committee members and event coordination, to day-of-event volunteers. Here are a few ways you can connect with AIGA Atlanta to get involved:
Open Board Meetings
We welcome the Atlanta design community to attend our open meetings, held every February, May, August, and November. These events are listed on our website a month before the meeting with free registration available to anyone interested in learning more about AIGA Atlanta. You will meet the board, learn about current events and initiative development, and have an opportunity to speak directly with board members. Registration is limited based on our meeting space, so sign up early.
Contact A Board Member
If you have specific questions or interests, please contact a board member directly at any time. Even if you are not sure how you would like to participate, we are here to guide you to the opportunity that fits with your interests.
Become A Board Member
Below you will find a description of each chair on our board. Most chairs also have a committee you can volunteer for if you are interested in learning more or supporting a specific interest!
Please fill out our form in order to apply for any of these board roles, or to become a volunteer. If you have any questions, please contact membership@atlanta.aiga.org.
All Board Chair Positions Must:
+ Commit to a 2 year term agreement
+ Become a Sustaining Level member of AIGA ($150/year)
+ Regularly attend one board meeting per month
+ Report monthly to the board any chair/committee activities, needs, expenses etc.
+ Maintain a committee to assist with programming and initiatives and create continuity between chairs
+ Make a good faith effort to find and train a replacement for their position near the end of their term
+ Commit to incorporating DEI initiatives into all of their programming
The President sets the overall vision and direction of the chapter, strategically oversees its initiatives, and ensures the board is successfully accomplishing its objectives.
+ Primary contact between the chapter and AIGA National
+ Participates in the monthly Presidents’ Council conference call
+ Communicates National AIGA agenda to the local chapter
+ Shares the responsibility for keeping the board focused on its mission and objectives.
+ Sets the agenda for the annual local board retreat.
+ Responsible for submitting Chapter Affiliation document.
Vice President
The Vice President helps create and maintain the tactical tools and knowledge base needed to implement the objectives set in place by the chapter vision and strategy.
+ Shares the responsibility for keeping the board focused on its mission and objectives.
+ Provides mentorship for board members
+ Coordinates the annual Fellow Award program.
+ Coordinates the quarterly Open Board meeting.
+ Coordinates the annual chapter affiliation documents with the President and Treasurer
The Secretary oversees chapter process, procedures and protocol, maintains appropriate records of all chapter activities, and assists various board committees as needed.
+ Records and documents chapter business and disseminate to the board
+ Sends election results to the AIGA National office and maintaining current board list with National
The Treasurer ensures the responsible management of the chapter’s assets, oversees the annual budget, and submits monthly finance reports to the Board.
+ Keeps financial records in good standing through bookkeeping, managing accounts, preparing financial reports for the chapter, AIGA National, the state of Georgia (if required) and the IRS
+ Keeper of physical records, including 990 forms, insurance policies, tax exempt documentation, etc.
+ Keeper of insurance policies for chapter.
+ Works with Vice-President to prepare and file the annual report with AIGA National
+ Prepares financial reports monthly for the board, including summary of banking activities and balances, deposits, expenses paid, etc.
+ Executes reimbursements for chapter expenses paid by others
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
The DEI Chair oversees the Chapter’s DEI initiatives and encourages the
implementation of diversity and inclusivity throughout Chapter activities.
+ Works with President and Vice President to strategize and implement overall DEI related materials throughout the year
+ Facilitates a yearly Board training/orientation about how to be DEI mindful throughout the year
+ Acts as the Board’s consultant for DEI related topics and materials
+ Oversees DEI sub-committee members to discuss how each Committee is being mindful in-regards to the 7 areas of DEI:
- Cultural Diversity
- Racial Diversity
- Age Diversity
- Sex/Gender diversity
- Sexual Orientation
- Disability
The Communications Chairs (2) oversee the chapter’s communication & promotion strategy, website and digital marketing channels and their implementation.
+ Develops guidelines on how and what to communicate from the chapter
+ Develops and manages guidelines for board members to follow when preparing promotions
+ Ensures the chapter follows the AIGA branding guidelines in all publications and materials are proofread prior to release
+ Oversees website, email marketing, and social media channel strategy and implementation
+ Provides mentorship to Communication committee
The Membership Chair facilitates membership growth and retention by directing new membership campaigns, supporting active members, and recruiting new ones.
+ Establishes ways to increase membership
+ Educates board members how to speak about the value of membership
+ Develops strategy and materials to welcome new members, reach lapsed members, and recruit new members
+ Runs required annual roundtable and submit results to National
+ Reports membership stats monthly at board meetings
The Programming Chairs (2) oversee the execution and experiential aspects of chapter events, such as logistics, planning and implementation.
+ Manages all general programming for the chapter
+ Oversees creation of event proposals and budgeting, submits events for board approval, and oversees implementation.
+ Maintains high quality programming experience
+ Provides mentorship and support to event coordinators
+ Aid programming of events in partnership with other committees when possible
Business of Design
The Business of Design Chair creates and implement strategy focused in the business side of the design practice with programming and resources created to connect with design managers & business owners.
+ Manages all business programming for the chapter
+ Oversees creation of event proposals and budgeting, submits events for board approval, and oversees implementation.
+ Maintains high quality programming experience
+ Provides mentorship and support to event coordinators
The In-House Chair supports the needs of the In-house design community in and around Atlanta.
+ Understand the needs and priorities of Atlanta’s in-house designers
+ Act as the representative voice for in-house designers to the AIGA Atlanta board
+ Manage all in-house content and programming for the chapter
+ Attract and retain in-house members and corporate memberships to our chapter
+ Oversee creation of event proposals and budgeting, submits events for board approval, and oversees implementation.
+ Maintains high quality programming experience
The Education Chair oversees the running of the student board and guide the ideation and content of student focused events, directly supporting student board event coordinators and volunteers.
+ Maintains a record of Student Groups primary contacts
+ Organizes student board meetings
+ Oversees student board development of programming targeted for students, including the annual pin-up show and major spring event.
+ Organizes programming fostering professional development for non-students
+ Reports to President and Vice President
The Partnerships Chair fosters relationships with outside organizations that provide financial and inkind support for chapter programming and activities.
+ Identify and nurture relationships with potentials sponsors
+ Maintains a database of sponsor contact information and agreements
+ Communicates benefits to members and ensure chapter meets requirements of proper acknowledgement of sponsors
+ Thanks sponsors for their participation and support