How does the future look for type? How will new technology affect the written word?
Eleni Beveratou, Creative Director at UK-based font foundry Dalton Maag, has some predictions, and she’s going to share them at MODA during a special event we’re presenting with AIGA Atlanta.
Typography is one of the design fields currently at a turning point. Through various technological advancements over the last few years, and with the additions of AR and VR media, the creation of relevant typefaces has become a necessity – we need typefaces that are also multifunctional, scalable, and accessible, instead of those which focus solely on aesthetics.
In response to this change of parameters, type has become a powerful tool, and it has opened up new possibilities in unexplored fields. Through the use of pre-existing type technologies and the introduction of variable fonts, we can now look beyond the type’s immediate context to anticipate its use in VR, AR, and mixed reality environments.
How we “consume” written content is ever-changing, and we need to ensure that type remains effective – now and in the future.
Join us at the museum for a presentation by Eleni, where you’ll learn about the future of type design and even have the chance to ask any questions.
This is an in-person event. To get tickets or more information, click the register button.