As long as people remember my work as something that put a smile on their face I will be happy.
– Bryan Robinson
Tell us about yourself and your work.
My background is in Musical Theatre so I was drawn to the storytelling aspect of Graphic Design. I try to approach design with a thoughtful eye and a dash of nostalgia.
What agency or designer inspires you?
There is a designer named Pete Rogers who is designing a different jersey for every Boston Celtics win this NBA season. I’m a big fan of the Celtics, and to see the way he has the ability to come up with a different idea to represent the team and the city of Boston while executing it so well is definitely inspiring. It makes me want to try it for myself.
What is your ideal job at the end of school?
Ideally I want to work a job where I can see my designs out in the world. Whether it’s on tour merchandise, poster design, local business branding, I want to be able to randomly be out for dinner and see my designs.
How do you deal with creative blocks?
It is different for every block. A lot of times I find that if I step away from my workspace and play a video game or clean my apartment I am able to come back to my project with a clearer head.
If you could interview any creative, who would it be?
Tinker Hatfield. I am a huge sneaker head, and I have been a fan of his designs since I was a kid.
How do you want people to remember your work?
I think as long as people remember my work as something that put a smile on their face I will be happy.
If you had to rebrand a logo which one would it be and why?
Nike’s swoosh. It’s so iconic that the challenge of rebranding it could be really dope.