Come spend an evening chatting about all things UX with Jared Spool, one of the greatest minds in the industry. Jared will share his latest thoughts on user experience, behavior, as well as website and product usability.
Who is Jared Spool?

A software developer and programmer, Jared founded User Interface Engineering in 1988. He has more than 15 years of experience conducting usability evaluations on a variety of products, and is an expert in low-fidelity prototyping techniques.
Jared is on the faculty of the Tufts University Gordon Institute and teaches seminars on product usability. He is a member of SIGCHI, the Usability Professionals Association, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the IEEE. Jared is a recognized authority on user interface design and human factors in computing. He is a regular tutorial speaker at the annual CHI conference and Society for Technical Communications conferences around the country.
You can follow his musings on Twitter and read his UX insights on the UIE blog.
This event is also the Grand Opening of PolygonATL! Join us for food, fun, and festivities! This will be one event you won’t want to miss.
This Event is Brought to You by:

Polygon is the new tech, web, & creative event space in Midtown Atlanta. It’s the perfect spot for meetups, hackathons, workshops, and plenty more. We can hold up to 150 people in a theater setting, are close to 17 delicious restaurants, right around the corner from the Twelve Hotel, and are close to any other amenity you might need. Since we are in Atlantic Station, we have plenty of parking and valet. Our rates are affordable too! Check out the site and get the full scoop here:
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Strongbox West
Strongbox West is Atlanta’s longest running co-working space. Based in West Midtown, we cater to startups, freelancers, and entrepreneurs and provide fun, affordable, and professional work space. Find out more information here: